Experimental Radio News 4
This issue of ERN includes novel aeronautical experiments, life-detecting radars and non-wearable health monitoring, the latest on those mysterious shortwave trading stations and more.

We continue our summaries of selected FCC Experimental Radio Service licenses and Special Temporary Authorizations from the last several months.
WK2XVH and WL2XJH were assigned to Sceye, Inc. for tests of stratospheric airships, pictured at the top of this issue and flying from locations in New Mexico. Transmissions will be at 1.4, 1.5 and 2.3 GHz.
The company would offer broadband service to unserved and underserved areas, and environmental and maritime monitoring.
"Sceye's ability to lift and power more than any other platform and hold station in the stratosphere for months at a time, makes Sceye a superior solution to both satellites, terrestrial infrastructure and other HAPS (High Altitude Platform Stations)," the company said.